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                     HELIJIA Rubber & Plastic Products company built in 1990 ,  committing to provide rubber
                solution for Home Appliance continuously. "HELIJIA" brand is a famous trademark in
                Shandongprovince. HELIJIA Group have 5 factories in China which had passed ISO9001 and
                ISO14001 certification before year of 2000.  Our headquarters is located of Dezhou city covering
                80,000square meters. Hebei province branchcompany  coves 66,000 square meters and Zhejiang
                provincebranch company covers 40,000 squaremeters. We have more than 1000 employees ,
                and 10% of them are  engineers.

                   HELIJIA provided more than 10 million pieces of washing machine rubber gasket all over
                the world annually.  Our main partners include  Haier Group, Midea Group Whirlpool Home
                Application, GE Little Swan Company, Samsung Electric, Panasonic Electric, Jingling Electric
                (Italy Candy),etc. We sincerelyhope to cooperate with you at any time.                                                                                                                                   HELIJIA Group